Donec placerat lectus sapien, eu porttitor nisi condimentum eget. Duis ullamcorper euismod urna nec vehicula. Pellentesque hendrerit vel dolor id pellentesque. Etiam tempus arcu justo, et volutpat est congue eget. Maecenas sem augue, sollicitudin non nunc in, ullamcorper blandit elit. Integer nec ante gravida, pellentesque orci at, semper mauris. Morbi eget diam finibus, vulputate lorem ut, lobortis nisi.
Licensing expertise
Working with Alberta’s two largest universities provides HKN with exceptional expertise in negotiations.
One stop support
We coordinate all licensing, training, invoicing and technical processes to simplify your lives.
Trustworthy resources
The collections librarians at both Universities evaluate all resources licensed by HKN.
Consortia pricing
Combining multi-sector subscribers under one organization allows HKN to increase considerably its buying power.
Strategic Initiatives
The Health Knowledge Network (HKN) uses a Balanced Scorecard approach to understand our subscribers’ needs and to identify key business activities that align with our vision and strategy. The strategic agenda advances the mission and vision of the Health Knowledge Network, and is aligned with our Principles and Values.
- Explore and negotiate discounted subscriptions for new and/or existing content.
- Explore eBooks (demand-driven, evidence-based subscriptions).
- Explore multi-year contracts to address inflation and fluctuating exchange rates.
- Communicate selected language from license agreements to subscribers.
- Post exchange rates and vendor inflation rates on HKN website.
- Analyze usage statistics for selected databases to support decision-making.
Marketing and Communications
- Plan HKN 25 year anniversary for 2019.
- Develop HKN profile through in-person meetings with Alberta’s college libraries.
- Meet with Saskatchewan and Manitoba library directors regarding their evolving health regions.
- Enhance communications and better reflect HKN’s business operations.
- Consult with CAG members to identify issues of relevance.
- Leverage expertise of Partner University Collections Units and CAG members to inform content selection, negotiations, and trial decisions.