Content Advisory Group
The purpose of the group is to share information about health information resources and vendor relations, and provide guidance to HKN on resources to trial or license.
Goals and Objectives
To provide guidance and information about:
- Current and potential resources licensed by subscribers in order to identify consortia opportunities.
- Information about new resources of possible interest to subscribers.
- Resources to consider for trial or license.
- Communications with vendors and information suppliers.
The Content Advisory Group is a voluntary group with no decision making powers over other group members. Initial direction will be provided by the HKN Librarian who will act as the Chair. The Librarian reports to the HKN Executive Committee and to the HKN Partners.
Criteria and Process for Selection of Members
The composition of the Content Advisory Group can vary. If necessary, member will be identified and selected by the HKN Executive Committee. Criteria for inclusion include:
- Must be an HKN subscriber.
- Knowledge of health information resources.
- Available to communicate with collection development areas with subscribers’ library/organization.
- Availability to meet via teleconference and to provide feedback to HKN throughout the rest of the year on resources of interest to their library.